Suggestions for Candle Names After Visiting Iran
Mehrnoosh Torbatnejad
Blue Flame Plume Motorcycle Musk
Cooled Watermelon Stream In-season Lime
Open Fire Embers New Year Nougat
Rosewater Splash Walnut Basil
Rinsed Concrete Morning Crisp Cardamom
Turquoise Breeze Sun-soaked Roof
Orange Blossom Twilight Breath of Mountain
Flatbread Dawn Evening Backyard Tea
Poet’s Garden Night-kissed River
Peeled Tangerine Sway of Cypress
Washed Stemmed Mint Mottled Daylight
Palm Tree Forest Road Stop Valley
Infused Saffron Wind-carried Jasmine
Ancient Alley Incandescent Dusk
Crackling Wild Rue My Aunt’s Embrace
My Cousin’s Hands And What Is the Smell
Of That Tunnel That Connects to the Plane
When You Land The Loading Bridge
Smoky Memory Aching Arrival
Gust of Hope Should I Even Name It
It’s the Same Scent When I Leave
Mehrnoosh Torbatnejad is a poet and attorney. Her poetry has appeared in The Best American Poetry, New England Review, and Cincinnati Review among others, and is forthcoming in Ploughshares. She won the 2019 LUMINA La Lengua contest and the 2016 Pinch Literary Prize, and is a Best of the Net, Pushcart Prize, and Best New Poets nominee. She lives in New York.