A Dedication
Johnathan Callies
Nathan, there will be time enough for words
Of absence, for calendars mislaid and dates
Lost. It’s easy to forget a name, to relegate
A man to that one guy who sipped gingerly
His gimlet. Easier still to forget how tenderly
He held his glass, as if the murky pool of lime Juice and gin held in itself treasures unspeakable.
It’s easy to forget speech is but a mouth pressed
To a glass, or lips to the forehead of a daughter
Who sometimes lapses on the name, “Father.”
Jonathan Callies, a graduate student in English at the University of Chicago, spends a majority of his time pleasantly drowning in books and open word documents. His work has appeared previously in UCLA's literary journal Westwind and The Poydras Review and will appear in forthcoming issues of Emerge Literary Journal and Atticus Review.