Fail Me
John Sibley Williams
like an empty-handed pallbearer. Like a child
lost in the long halls of a closed school,
when even arithmetic & history have bedded down
for the night. No, not like that at all. More
like the old borders scribbled out on an updated map.
What was once a country
made whole again in erasure. Like a minnow being
eaten by something larger. We all secretly cherish
both sides of that hunger. Dear lover/reader/parent/god, if,
like everyone, I begin my dying with questions, remember
to lie to me. Say all borders are man-made. Each failing
body a future star. Say light
& say there’s a light that follows it.
John Sibley Williams is the author of As One Fire Consumes Another (Orison Poetry Prize) and Skin Memory (Backwaters Prize). An eleven-time Pushcart nominee and winner of various awards, John serves as editor of The Inflectionist Review. Publications include: Yale Review, Atlanta Review, Prairie Schooner, Massachusetts Review, and Third Coast.