Малка смърт
Emanuil A. Vidinski
Не мога да си спомня мириса ти просто не мога.
Small Death
Translated from Bulgarian by Katerina Stoykova-Klemer
I cannot remember your smell I just can’t.
Emanuil A. Vidinski was born in June 27th, 1978 in Vidin. He holds a degree in Slavic and Germanic studies from St. Kliment Ohridski University in Sofia. He is the author of a short story collection, a novel and a poetry collection, Par Avion (2011). Emanuil is the creator and editor of the World Novels series for Altera Press. He was an editor in the Bulgarian department of Deutsche Welle radio in Germany from 2008-2012. He currently lives and works in Sofia.
Katerina Stoykova-Klemer is the author of three poetry books, most recently The Porcupine of Mind (Broadstone Books, 2012). Katerina is the founder of poetry and prose groups in Lexington, Kentucky. She hosts Accents – a radio show for literature, art and culture on WRFL, 88.1 FM, Lexington. In January 2010, Katerina launched Accents Publishing.