The Future Never Arrives
Amy Pence
Near dawn, we draw birds onto our laps as one
Sentient eye blinks in the heavens, or so it seems. Our
Sex proof that it’s possible to fully enter
Each other: your boy’s face, young adult. That
Quiver of your eyebrow so sure—an arrow sent
Length-wise into a posturing world. We resided one
State apart. Your Hollywood, my Las Vegas—dream
Winds parching our lips. Late apocalypse, you
Motorcycled through the Quarter, roomed at the ruined
Hotel. By then, I lived north of your south, past the mobile home park’s
Rural by-pass. But what’s in the world’s mouth but one delicious
Map crumpled with erasures? Now there’s nothing we need. Age
Having released the demons. We shiver when
The phoebe comes down, tender oracle in our palms.
Amy Pence published two full-length collections, the hybrid [It] Incandescent (Ninebark Press) as well as two chapbooks, including Your Posthumous Dress (dancing girl press) in 2019. She’s a freelance tutor, taught poetry at Emory, and basks in her garden until mosquitoes swarm. Her first novel YELLOW is forthcoming from Red Hen Press in 2026.